when I was 10 years old.“
A story that goes back to 1996, when I was ten years old. I made a few lures from wood, painted them with simple acrylic paint and used a marker for the stripes. The magic happened, I caught a pike on the one in red/yellow. I came home with a story to tell.
A story that will continues after many years (2020) , but with a lot more experience and knowledge about lure making and predator fishing.

to paint the Mister predator lures.”
The name MISTER came from the time I was a teacher in Art and Crafts at a secondary school. Therefore I studied Arts in The Netherlands. Craftmanship and creative skills combined with the endless love for fishing and luremaking, made for me the perfect package to start making lures to catch predator fish. Making the same memories as when I was ten years old.
The process of making a lure by hand is long, but so worth it! Starting with an idea, make a drawing, make a master and spend countless hours on refining and testing to get the perfect shape, swimming action, patterns and colors for each lure. Always with catching a fish in mind! When this process is done, I start with the painting process. Cleaning, painting, putting eyes on the lure and finishing the lure with some layers of lack/epoxy. Putting layers of lack on the lures is a special technique that will need a lot of attention. After the lack is done it has to dry for a week. I will clean the lure and after that it’s time to do a swimming test and te last tuning.
As a competition angler for many years I learned that “doing something different” and “master your techniques” most of the times is resulting in catching more or bigger fish. That’s why I like to make and fish with special types of lures with a different action, ‘not mainstream.’ It’s about getting to know the lure so it can help you to catch your dream fish! That’s the reason why I test te lures in clear water to see how they perform and use them in practice for many years. “Only the best will survive.” I really want to give you the opportunity to enjoy the Mister lures and catch predator fish!
– Trust Mister and make it happen! –
” In my lure atelier I am building lures with my heart and soul for those who appreciate unique lures with a personal touch all combined with a high quality finish. “